Praktinių sprendimų, skirtų vyresnių nei 55 metų žmonių verslumo galimybėms paremti, kūrimas, ypatingą dėmesį skiriant tiems, kuriems gresia socialinė atskirtis.

Metodinis vadovas
Internetinis mokymas
Skaitmeninis verslo idėjų bankas
Internetinis išteklių centras

Metodinių priemonių rinkinys, skirtas įtraukti verslo ir socialinių reikalų specialistus į verslumo programas. Tikslas – sukurti praktikos bendruomenę, kurią sudarytų verslininkai ir (arba) moterys bei socialinio sektoriaus specialistai, kad jie galėtų dalyvauti švietimo programose, skirtose skatinti 55+ amžiaus žmonių verslumą, ypatingą dėmesį skiriant socialinės atskirties rizikos grupei priklausantiems asmenims. Projekte bus analizuojamos būtinos sąlygos tokio tipo bendruomenei sukurti suaugusiųjų švietimo sektoriuje parengtose verslumo ir inkubavimo programose, taip pat bus pateiktos gairės ir priemonės, kaip paremti šią bendruomenę ir užtikrinti jos tvarumą ilguoju laikotarpiu.

Training on digital competences and skills for entrepreneurship This Project Result consists of the design of a training program on digital skill for senior entrepreneurs.
This online training programme will help participants to acquire basic competences and skills following the DigiComp and Entrecomp frameworks. It will offer participants a large panel of tools and tutorials that might help the users to identify solutions to their needs, and to address the needs of their business. The tool will be developed using Design Thinking and Lean Start Up methodologies

Digital bank of business ideas for people 55+, with special emphasis on those at risk of social exclusion Through this result, we will work together with recruited social and business professionals in order to identify business ideas that could be undertaken by people 55+, with special emphasis on those at risk of social exclusion. This bank of ideas will be organized through a digital tool and make public sustainable business niches and models that could be undertaken with minimal investment and resources. Those business models will be sustainable, quickly profitable, and with a high replicability potential. Finally, the new entrepreneurs will use this online tool to share their experiences within a european community of persons working on the same business ideas

Digital environment for business incubation and mentoring
This Project Result will identify and organize digital tools and solutions available to set a virtual environment to support sustainable incubation processes. Functionalities of the tool will be defined according to the target group practices and needs, bringing direct added values to activities they are running to support the creation and development of new and sustainable businesses.