Senior+: read our 4th newsletter!

The Senior+ platform is ready and within it you can find the e-learning course for the acquisition of basic entrepreneurial skills for all seniors who want to deepen and learn something new about entrepreneurship. The course modules will enable seniors to improve their competences, such as basic technological skills for the entrepreneurial world, to clarify their business idea, to learn about the legislative aspects central to the business world and much more. The course is available in six languages: English, Greek, Spanish, Italian, French and Lithuanian. 

The platform will also contain the Bank of Entrepreneurial Ideas for Seniors, which the partners are working on and which will soon be available, to make it easier and more effective to set up your own business project!

Here is the link to access the platform:

The Third Transnational Partner Meeting

Just this September, all partners met in the Modena, Italy. It was a good opportunity to share and exchange on the objectives achieved and future steps: 

  • There was exchange on the functionality of the platform and possible changes to make it more accessible and intuitive.
  • Updates on the idea bank, the collection of business ideas and the implementation of the idea bank on the platform. 
  • Clarifications on the mentoring plan and its implementation.
  • Presentation of the final part of the project and the actual realisation of a business incubator.

Next steps

Building on what was discussed during the TPM:

  • Implementation of the idea bank that will be part of the platform itself and in which seniors and entrepreneurs can participate. 
  • Collection of experiences and good practices on business incubation to proceed with the next phase of the project.

This newsletter is available in:
