PR2 Training course on digital competences for entrepreneurship
Online modules to acquire basic digital competences.
Global report
Project leaflets
Press releases

The Senior+ platform, a valuable resource for new senior entrepreneurs
The Senior+ platform, a valuable resource for new senior entrepreneurs The Senior+ platform is now a…

Entrepreneurship for Elderly: Senior+ e-learning course gets started
This press release is available in: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Greek, Lithuanian.…

Press release n.1
Senior+: educational communities to boost business opportunities for unemployed people over 55 years…

Senior+ Newsletter 6
As the Senior+ project draws to a close, we are excited to share the consortium’s experiences with …

Newsletter 5: Senior+ approaches its final stage
We’re thrilled to bring you the latest updates from the Senior+ project. As the Erasmus+ funded i…

Senior+: read our 4th newsletter!
The Senior+ platform is ready and within it you can find the e-learning course for the acquisit…

Third project newsletter is now online!
Newsletter-ISSUE #3 – January 2023 What’s on The 6 partners are working on the implementation of a t…

The second project newsletter is online!
What’s on The partners are working on Methodological toolkit to involve business and social professi…

First project newsletter is out!
SENIOR+ is an Erasmus+ funded project that gathers 6 organizations from France, Spain, Italy, Lithua…